A new science alliance is in the works

DVC clubs create parliament outside of ICC


Science Alliance of DVC logo by Peter Swenson

Danny Yoeono, Staff Member


Two club presidents have produced the Science Alliance of DVC, an association of science clubs with the goal of cross club collaboration on projects and sharing science knowledge across disciplines.

Devin Virassammi of the Chemistry club and Peter Swenson of the Horticulture club have been working with the DVC Student Life Office since last semester to develop a clear outline and constitution that fits within the structure of ASDVC and ICC, or Inter Club Council.

This idea of a cross club project group has not been seen before and is a necessity for DVC, according to its founders.

Dean of the Biology and Life Science department, Tish Young exclaimed “[the science alliance] is incredible.”

Although some details are still being hashed out, Virassammi hopes the process of formation will be done within a month of club activities starting this semester and tells of the Alliance already having a set of officers and departments that oversee communication, outreach and projects.

The Alliance is also set to have a senate body made up of representatives from each alliance club.

Those clubs so far are the Chem club, Pre-Nursing Society, Horticulture club, Cyber-security club, DVCoders, Health club, Earth club and Architecture construction engineering club (ACE).

So if a DVC student is in a club apart of the alliance, the student is apart of the alliance.

The president of the Horticulture club and co-founder of the alliance said that once established there will be a process for adding even more clubs.

The idea for the alliance grew out of the vertical farming project that was a collaboration between the Horticulture Club and Chem club.

Swenson noted, ”With project members in different clubs, central organization was difficult.”

Virassammi added, “With projects that require maintenance like the live fish in vertical farming, it will take the alliance to be there when the current generation has graduated.”

The ICC was said to be supportive from the first time the idea was brought to them and hope to integrate the alliance framework into their own.  They also govern the clubs, whereas the alliance is a group of related clubs working on projects together.

With the vertical farming project as the blueprint for future endeavors,  Swenson says the alliance “has an open palate to new projects.”

Once out of its current stage inside the Student Life Office, the next step will be to create an alliance senate body that will ratify and sign a constitution.

For more information contact Chemistry Club president and Science Alliance Devin Virassammi.

And while it wasn’t on the Wednesday, February 7 ASDVC agenda, Swenson says that he will mention the concept.