DVC can do even more to eliminate bias on campus

Charlita Houston, Student

Several colleges have been evaluated regarding bias on campus, with Diablo Valley College being one of them. Results from this study show that racial and gender biases are less prevalent on the DVC campus. Programs such as Umoja and Puente are already intact, however, adding more programs will allow us to be aware of, confront and resolve the issue of bias on campus and even eliminate it altogether.

Awareness is an essential element to curbing future bias. Most biases are expressed in the classroom. To help eliminate bias, teachers must be aware of what goes on in the classroom and educate students on cultural differences.

Confrontation for some is hard. However, not confronting it at all allows bias to continue. Those who have confronted bias have more respect for themselves and the teacher, and can perform well academically.

Samuel Museus has written that the more positive a student’s experiences and outcomes, the better chance they have of graduating. By providing training, support and incorporating awareness activities, DVC will give college students the experience they deserve and can attack bias before it blossoms.

Addressing bias is something that cannot wait. If we start at a place where we encounter a great deal of diversity, we can make a change for not only DVC, but institutions worldwide. Let us learn how to work and interact with other cultures and eliminate bias on campuses all together.