Buzz: What would you say to pro-life advocates on campus?


Matthew Bridges, 19, Plant Science

“I respect your opinions, you’re trying to stand up for a cause, but people need to be allowed to have abortions.”



Rachel Henry, 19, Undecided

“I’m pro-choice. It’s whatever you think.”


Ledell Jones, 19, Music Therapy

“I don’t really have an opinion, but it provides awareness and gets people talking.”


Miriah Brooks, 19, Business

“Right on I guess? Freedom of speech. Those images are traumatizing. They should just talk without the images.”


Alexander Tornai, 19, Mechatronics

“I was disgusted and outraged by the inappropriate graphics. They are misusing freedom of speech.”


Justin Little, 22, Music

“I’d appreciate it if they didn’t use such inaccurate and gory imagery.”


Katie Sonas, 19, Theater

“I think it’s unfair that they are not open to a discussion. They are using the exact same argument all over again.”


Brook Ham, 19, Drama

“It’s unjustified. DVC shouldn’t be allowed to have something like this. We are paying students and we shouldn’t have this shoved down our throats.”