Tips and tricks to be a successful college student


Kiran Foster notes this is what happens when I take my camera with me and get distracted.

Deandra Procassini, Senior staff member

It is no secret that being a college student can become a full-time job.

With all the classes comes the homework, ten-page papers, midterms and the dreaded finals at the end of the semester that causes stress.

On top of all the responsibilities that come with being a college student, it may seem close to impossible to have a job or have a social life.

The idea of being a perfect student is unrealistic, but here are some tip and tricks for success.

The most important advice is the one that all our professors say on the first day; that students attend all classes.

Attending class is very important because lectures take place and the things discussed in those lectures can show up in the future test.

Another big tip is for students to write out all the notes by hand.

Many people know that it is easier just to type the letters into a computer, but when student write out the notes, they retain more information.

Even though writing out all those notes can cause massive hand cramps it is worth it.

According to an article by National Public Radio, a study was published by a Psychological Science program that states that “The thinking is if students have time to study their notes from their laptops, the fact that they typed more extensive notes than their longhand-writing peers could possibly help them perform better.”

To achieve a passing grade on any test or exam flashcards are college students best friend.

They are a cheap but useful tool to help students succeed in classes.

College students can make a stack of flashcards based on the notes given in class or maybe possible study questions and review them as many time as need to feel prepared.

Another tip for reaching success is forming a study among other students in the class.

Study groups are easily made all students have to do plan a day and a time and get together with all the tools for the class necessary.

College students can use study groups to quiz one another on the topics that may come up on future tests.

The final tip is going to professors’ office hours.

It may seem intimidating to go to office hours, but if a student has questions on a particular topic or is reaching for a way to receive more help, there is no better option than going and talking to the professors.

Going to the office hours are beneficial because all questions could get answered by the one person who knows the subject better than anyone.

Being a successful college student can be frightening, but it doesn’t have to be that they if college students follow those few tips and tricks they are sure to reach success.