Top Five Anticipated Games of 2015

Ryan Chan, Senior staff writer

Gamers will agree that this year’s huge roster of game releases has been garnering quite a bit of hype. Whether you’re excited for major triple A titles like “Halo 5: Guardians and Battlefield Hardline” or cult classics like “Super Smash Bros” and “Total War: Atilla,” you’ll find it here in our list of the top five anticipated video games of 2015.

So what’s looking good for this year’s line up? There are so many great games to look out for this year, its hard to name them all. And with more titles to be announced in the coming months, who knows what to expect by the end of the year. But one thing we do know, is the games we’ve picked have everyone talking about 2015’s gaming future.

If you’re a fan of the shooter genre, then you’re in luck. Swedish developers DICE, are kicking off the year strong with “Battlefield Hardline” in March, and “Star Wars Battlefront” during the winter holiday season. Hardcore fans of the “Battlefield” series will get a different taste of the “Battlefield” franchise in “Hardline’s” take on cops and robbers. Although the core gameplay of “Hardline” is quintessential “Battlefield” through and through, a new emphasis on fast paced action and vehicle gameplay, along with thematic heisting locales, could bring a breath of fresh air to the series.

Not much has been revealed yet about “Star Wars Battlefront.” However, knowing DICE is behind the wheel, you can expect great things from this new addition to the Star Wars family. Hopefully, we’ll hear more soon about this highly anticipated game.

Complimenting the fps genre’s scene are a few unique additions to the third person military shooter genre. Since Ubisoft announced “Tom Clancy’s The Division” at E3 in 2013, and “Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege” again at E3 in 2014, the games have been awash in teasers, speculation, and a heavy dose of hype.

“The Division,” an open world third person rpg, is set in a devastated New York, while “Rainbow Six Siege” looks to pit players against each other as cops and criminals. Both games are placing a heavy emphasis on team play and multiplayer. But for the most part, very little has been revealed recently apart from the initial rounds of promotional teasers and trailers.

Lastly, if you’re excited for a successor to the “Dark Souls” series, then you’ve probably heard about From Software’s, “Bloodborne.” Looking to fill the shoes of the critically acclaimed “Dark Souls” series, this third person action rpg is set in a grim rendition of Victorian London. More aggressive tools, a giant cleaver and a shotgun, and even more brutal hordes of baddies, are just a few of the things that will help “Bloodborne” stand out from its close cousins.

What game are you most excited for? Let us know below.