Student leadership elected after delays


Keith Montes

Cruz Conrad, center, is the newly elected Vice President of the Inter-Club Council

Keith Montes, Editor-in-chief

The student leadership at the college has undergone several recent later-than-usual semester changes.

On September 10, the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College elected Jae Chang (Eric) Lee as the new student body president through an internal voting process. Lee was selected by the ASDVC board and not the student body due to the formerly publicly elected president resigning at the beginning of the semester.

Lee is also a member of the Inquirer newspaper where he serves as the advertising manager.

In response to the ASDVC President working on the Inquirer staff, Inquirer adviser Mary Mazzocco, states, “It’s a little unusual, but it is not unprecedented…Basically you just make the rules about conflict of interest very clear to everyone and everyone does their best to follow them.”

The Inter-Club Council, the organization on campus which oversees the policies for the all student clubs, elected Lan Bui as the new ICC Chair for the 2012-2013 academic year.

The ICC Chair election was delayed for one week due to the ICC representatives voting for additional time to review the candidate’s credentials.

An additional week long delay was caused due to the ICC meeting agenda not being posted within the three-day Brown Act requirement.

Lan Bui was confirmed as the new ICC Chair at the September 27th ICC meeting.

“I feel that I can make a lot of changes…and help improve the student life on this campus,” states Bui.

Cruz Conrad, the ICC rep of the sociology club, was elected as the Vice President of the ICC. “I’m really excited and also humbled that so many…have entrusted me with being the assertive voice in things that we need to get done with our board…”

Conrad is interested in raising the freeze of new clubs, revising the ICC constitution and creating a joint board with the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College.

A restriction was implemented by the student life office staff at the beginning of the fall semester which prevented new clubs from being able to be created.

Former Dean of Student Life Bill Oye stated, “We are hoping to work with the administration to restore some staff capacity spring semester…if we can get some restored staff this spring we hope to able to approve new clubs in the spring.