It’s vital for all to learn about U.N. achievements

Amer Araim, DVC Adjunct Professor
November 1, 2016
President Barack Obama recently addressed the United Nations General Assembly. American presidents have traditionally done so because of the importance of the United Nations.
However, during presidential campaigns, certain candidates instead of highlighting the achievements of the United Nations, have tried to steer the emotions of voters against the United Nations, and the role of the United States in the organization.
There are certain facts about U.N. readers should know. The main ideas about the U.N. establishment, and the League of Nations were American ideas. The U.N. headquarters are in New York, and the United States is the main contributor to its budget and a large number of its staff are Americans.
Scholars and politicians recognize the contribution of the United Nations to reduce international tension, resolve disputes among states, enhance world peace and help the poor and the needy all over the world. If there are shortcomings in achieving those lofty goals, they are the responsibilities of certain member states rather than the organization itself.
It is hoped that after the elections, the U.S. bipartisan policies of supporting the U.N. will continue.
Academic institutions in the United States and the world are promoting a better understanding of U.N. achievements by establishing model United Nations clubs. One of the clubs is the Diablo Valley College Model United Nations Club(DVC MUN,) which prepares important programs including participating in conferences of MUN clubs in California.
DVC MUN delegations whether here in their home conferences or through participation in conferences organized by other clubs have always demonstrated deep understanding of the questions considered by these conferences, participated in the discussions on different agenda items, proposed draft resolutions and contributed to the meetings of the Head Delegate Feedback.
In April, 2016 DVC MUN members participated in the 11th annual conference at UCLA, which was considered one of the best MUN conferences. It debated many international and domestic questions, which demonstrated deep understanding and commitments of participants regarding world peace and security and socioeconomic crises in the world. Two members of DVC MUN delegation received the best delegate award and the outstanding delegate award.
DVC MUN organized two home conferences this year. The first was on the American Revolution, and its contribution to the goals of the American people to gain their liberty and to achieve prosperity. The principle of “No taxation without representation” has guided many peoples around the world since that time. The students discussed the democratic experiment in the United States, and its contributions to political and constitutional developments in the United States and the world.
The second home conference was on the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Although that event took place more than 100 years ago, its consequences still constitute major challenges to the Middle East and beyond. The questions of ethnic and religious conflicts as well as interventions by major powers and the rights of peoples to self-determination, and other questions were discussed.
I am glad that DVC MUN delegations have always been among the best delegations. I feel nostalgic while observing the performance of DVC MUN students because it reminds me of my days as United Nations delegate and later on as United Nations senior political affairs officer. Yes, DVC MUN students conduct their meetings and participate in conferences just like true delegates of the United Nations.
Amer Araim is and adjunct professor of political science at Diablo Valley College, and a former U.N. diplomat