Opinion: Dr. Amer Araim on Foreign Policy and International Crises
November 11, 2021
I believe that faculty members and students, as well as the community at large, should be involved in public affairs, including discussions of foreign policy. Recently there have been many articles in the media after the passing away of former Secretary of State General Colin Powell, referring particularly to his statement in the United Nations Security Council, which indicated that Iraq had weapons of mass-destruction. He regretted that statement later on; however, the war led to the death of a million Iraqis and about five thousand American soldiers, with a cost exceeding one billion dollars. United States students played an important role in ending the Vietnam War and the imposition of sanctions against apartheid South Africa. In the meantime, one must support the positive developments in the foreign policy of President Joe Biden Administration regarding international crises.
While the Administration is concentrating on China, particularly, to prevent the latter from controlling the South China Sea and threatening Taiwan and other states in the region, the United States still considers diplomacy as the method to resolve international disputes. Facing and eliminating the threat of the terrorist organizations Al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State are major concerns to the Administration, which devotes resources to effectively deal with this threat in the Middle East and beyond.The United States is still determined to ensure Israel superiority in the Middle East; however, President Joe Biden spoke about resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict peacefully and on the basis of two-state solution in the Holy Land: Israel and Palestine. In the meantime, the United States is working to improve the living conditions of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation. There is a need for more concerted efforts, including involving the United Nations Security Council to help in establishing a durable peaceful relations between Israel and the Palestinians (on the basis of two-state solution,) and thus consolidating peace between all the states in the Middle East.
The United States is also determined, and work with its allies to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
It is hoped and expected that the Biden Administration will prioritize the questions of supporting democracy and respect for human rights in the Middle East particularly finding a just and peaceful solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of two-state solution in the Holy Land: Israel and Palestine with Jerusalem as the symbol of peace and cooperation among all religions. As Martin Luther King said, “I have a dream.” I also have a dream to visit Jerusalem, and pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque when peace will be established between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
Amer Araim
Adjunct Professor
Diablo Valley College