Opinion: Dr. Amer Araim on the Plight of Ukrainians and Iraqis

Dr. Amer Araim, adjunct political science professor at DVC. Photo by Keith Parsons.
I would like to share with The Inquirer readers the story of the sufferings of the children of Iraq before and the sufferings of the Ukrainian civil population today.
The tremendous sufferings of the people of Ukraine, particularly the civilians and including the destruction of their homes and civilian centers reminds of the havoc brought to my country of origin, Iraq, in 2003. As a former United Nations senior of political affairs, I strongly feel now, as I did before, that the United Nations should put an end to the war and provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
I am aware of the generosity and readiness to help, which are part of the characteristics of the American people.
An American lady from the SF Bay Area city of Burlingame watched on television the sufferings of the children of Iraq in the early 2000s, asked her church to make contacts, and donated money to help Iraqi children. I was contacted, and through the efforts of the faith communities in Contra Costa County, people of different faiths cooperated and two trucks of health and school kits were sent to Iraq. It was hoped to send more trucks to help poor Iraqis who suffered tremendously; however, the drumbeats of the war of 2003 began, followed by the civil war in Iraq, which devastated the country and prevented us from sending further aid.
There were more than two thousand dollars left, and put in trust with the Interfaith Council, which promised to help in this new project. I contacted a nonprofit humanitarian organization in the Bay Area, Alalusi Foundation, to send food to the poor people of Iraq. Now the Iraqi situation is better. However, poor people still need urgent help after many years of sufferings. Efforts are being made to send food during Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam, which will begin in April.
I wish to invite all my friends and colleagues, who would like to help in this humanitarian project by sending their donations to the nonprofit humanitarian organization the Alalusi Foundation (www.alalusifoundation.org) which is a nonprofit organization and sending food to the poor people of Iraq. Its address: 1975 National Ave, Hayward, CA, 94549. Please help the poor of Iraq.
Dr. Amer Araim
Adjunct Professor
Diablo Valley College