DVC holds vigil for Ferguson

Tyler Elmore

From left to right, Students Karen Compere, Aaron Houstone, Cameron Cabading, Charlise Nwoha, and Andrew Ramierez, speak in front of other students about their experiences during the Mike Brown vigil in the Library quad on Nov. 26.

Amrita Kaur, Editor-in-chief

Emotions were high at the vigil held in the Library Quad Wednesday to reflect on the decision not to indict an officer involved in the shooting of Missouri teen Michael Brown.

The gathering, in solidarity with demonstrations in Ferguson, Missouri, was organized by several Diablo Valley College professors and led by ASDVC President Keith Montes.

At least 75 students from different backgrounds and races gathered to listen, speak and show support in the face of what they called police brutality and racism.

The co-chairman of the Pan African Union club, Dieudonne Brou, 27, spoke to the crowd, urging both change and compassion.

“What about black people’s mental stability? We are suffering 400 years of Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome,” he said.

Montes urged everyone in attendance to speak up about their experiences and talk in general about the issues of race in America.

International relations major Aaron Houstone, 20, said, ” We need to stop the hate. We need to create actual equality.”

He added, that if people stay in the same thought pattern, nothing will ever change. He urged people to follow through with actions and not just “let out words from the mouth.”

“This is not just a black man thing. It is a minority thing. We all need to call for change,” said Brou.

Charlise Nwoha 24, a humanities major, broke down in tears and asked for sympathy and love, and asked listeners to use their privileges for the good and benefit of humanity.

“We need to stop seeing black or white. We should help where we can,” she said.

After a long moment of silence for Michael Brown and all the victims of police brutality around the world, Montes called on everyone at the gathering to give him their contact information, organize and take action to stop police brutality and raise community awareness.