Isaac Wang is voted in as ASDVC’s new PR Officer

Isaac Wang

Isaac Wang, ASDVC’s new PR officer.

Chris Core and Aidan Sparks

Isaac Wang was voted in as Associated Students of Diablo Valley College’s new public relations officer (PR) with a 20 to 15 vote by the board at their meeting Tuesday, Nov. 7, after former ASDVC PR officer Robin Stewart asked to be removed from the position. 

Wang discussed some issues he thought ASDVC faced when it comes to reaching out to students.

“Students do not have any idea about ASDVC,” said Wang. “(Students) do not think it’s cool and do not think ASDVC does anything.”

The race for the PR spot was between three candidates, Dennis Xue, Sophia Bayatmakoo and Isaac Wang.

However, Bayatmakoo withdrew from the race before the voting began. The withdrawal came because she already has a packed schedule filled with numerous classes, clubs and a job. The withdrawal from the election did not stop her from giving both candidates some passionate words of advice.

ASDVC holds a special place in Bayatmakoo’s heart and she said, “PR is a great position and I only want to do it if I could give it my all.”

Bayatmakoo also spoke about how DVC students have a “lack of voice, lack of diversity and a lack of knowledge about ASDVC.” 

“I believe that the student government should be able to scale with the student body…there is a certain percentage of veterans, DACA students, etc. in the student body and they should be represented in ASDVC,” said Bayatmakoo.

Bayatmakoo explained that she, herself, comes from a country that despite it’s constant corruption has fantastic people. “It is hard for me to accept corruption as a norm. Since I have learned a lot and cared for DVC, I want it to give future students what it gave me.”

ASDVC President, Kevin Zhang, not only gave his vote to Wang but also gave power to the position in which Wang will be taking.

“Without proper publicity we cannot represent DVC students correctly,” said Zhang.

Wang’s main goal now as PR officer is to find a way to get DVC students more involved in their student government, something Wang finds to be very important.

“Being a leader does not mean you are the smartest person in the room. It’s about listening to people,” said Wang.